Organic Farmers & Growers CIC (OF&G)

Certifying Body Organic Farmers & Growers

Organic Farmers & Growers is a leading inspection and certification body. It was the first organisation in the UK accredited by the government to inspect and license organic food and farming. Having built a respected and trusted reputation in this field during the course of almost 20 years, OF&G also now operates certification schemes for organics recycling, specifically commercial composting and biofertiliser production from anaerobic digestion. The OF&G team worked with the REA and WRAP from the inception of the standards for this important scheme and are very happy to be working to grow the potential of biofertilisers with the industry. OF&G’s inspections are carried out under a successful and long-standing partnership arrangement with SAI Global (formerly EFSIS) which is a leading global provider of inspection services.

OF&G’s success in its field comes from a total focus on delivering an efficient, friendly and practical service. The company's experienced management and staff understand the vital importance of upholding the integrity of certification standards, without adding unnecessary bureaucracy and complication to the procedures.

The company is inspected and accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) and the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (Defra).

Contact Information

For advice about certification contact Organic Farmers & Growers using the following details or visit

Organic Farmers & Growers, 

Old Estate Yard, 





Tel: 01939 291800, 
If calling from outside the UK, please dial: 00 44 1939 291800
