News from the Biofertiliser Certification Scheme

The latest news from the Biofertiliser industry

Draft PAS 110 Specification out for public consultation

Posted: 9 December, 2013. Written by David Collins

PAS 110, Specification for whole digestate, separated liquor and separated fibre derived from the anaerobic digestion of source-segregated materials is now available for comment. To download, review and comment on the draft,

You can also find the consultation documents below:

• Draft PAS 110 for consultation
• Supporting rationale for the changes
• Environmental regulator’s response to industry representatives proposal regarding the RBP

The closing date for consultation is 17/01/2014. Please note that only comments submitted electronically through the online Draft Review System by the date given will be accepted. Where possible, comments should be submitted by one person from your organization to ensure that no conflicting comments are submitted by members of the same organization and to avoid repetition.

REA will respond to the consultation on behalf of its members. Please send to Kiara your comments by 07/01/2014 (Tel: 07717 294793, Email:

Many thanks,


Dr Kiara Zennaro, Senior Technical Officer
Organics Recycling Group 

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