News from the Biofertiliser Certification Scheme

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European End of Waste criteria for composts and digestates - latest Draft Technical Report issued

Posted: 13 August, 2013. Written by Ciaran

Latest call for feedback and the remaining development process

  • On 31st July JRC-IPTS sent to TWG members their draft final technical report, which takes account of TWG members’ responses (sent in April 2013) to their March call for relevant additional technical and scientific information.
  • JRC-IPTS has invited feedback on the report, to be received by 23rd September 2013. As a member of the TWG, ORG will submit a response to JRC-ITPS and will also communicate with Defra and participate in any EU EoW meeting that they convene, as they will be drawing up the UK government’s response.
  • After receiving and considering responses, JRC-IPTS plans to finalise and submit its report to the European Commission. This technical study and its recommended EoW criteria will be considered by the EC, who may then draft a Commission Decision and submit it to the European Parliament for debate and voting. In order to come into effect, such a Commission Decision would have to supported by majority vote.
  • REA Biogas has put together a table to compare the current ADQP/PAS110 requirements with the EU EoW proposals which is in the pdf document below

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