News from the Biofertiliser Certification Scheme

The latest news from the Biofertiliser industry

JRC issue Background Paper for End of Waste Criteria

Posted: 14 February, 2013. Written by David Collins

A Third Workshop is taking place at Seville, Spain, on 26th February to discuss changes to the Third working Document which was published in August 2012.  

The changes are set out in the Background Paper (BP) which has been released by Defra.  The BP can be seen on this link on the Biofertiliser Certification Scheme website. 

~ Opportunity for action ~

This paper requests that if Technical Working Group members "wish to request any other items for discussion at the meeting or to propose additional agenda items for the meeting", they send their requests by Monday 18 February.

Please contact Emily Nichols (tel 07771 556231, if you would like to discuss EoW issues. In particular, contact her as soon as possible about any specific item that is not covered in the background paper that you believe should be an additional agenda item at the workshop. 

There is more information on the Oganics Re-cycling Group website on this link

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