News from the Biofertiliser Certification Scheme

The latest news from the Biofertiliser industry

PT Scheme Expression of Interest Document

Posted: 16 September, 2020. Written by Molly Rogers

We recently circulated an Expression of Interest document, which has been designed to help REAL assess the technical feasibility and financial viability of developing an independently run proficiency testing (PT) programme for the scheme specific methods specific methods.

The EOI document describes the background to and purpose of the document, and asks several questions, the answers to which will enable REAL to determine the feasibility of rolling out a PT programme. If one or more responses to this request for EOI suggest that an independently run PT programme is both technically feasible and financially viable, REAL will proceed to an open tender process.

Should you be interested in tendering for the PT programme, we ask that you answer each question within the attached EOI, and return to Olivia Furssedonn using by close of play 14 October 2020.

You can find the Expression of Interest document below.

Further Information: