News from the Biofertiliser Certification Scheme

The latest news from the Biofertiliser industry

REAL BCS & CCS 2019 Annual Report

Posted: 4 September, 2020. Written by Molly Rogers

Renewable Energy Assurance Limited (REAL) has published its third annual report for the Biofertiliser Certification Scheme, providing an overview of the scheme and summary of scheme developments in 2019.

In summary, there were 84 plants certified under the BCS by the end of 2019, with a total registered annual throughput of approximately 4.5 million tonnes. Of the 84 certified plants, 62 were located in England, 11 in Scotland, eight in Wales and three in Northern Ireland.

The report also presents an overview of the Compost Certification Scheme and includes the Research Hub 2019 Annual Report.

This year, we have introduced a new design to the Annual Report! You can read the full report below.

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