News from the Biofertiliser Certification Scheme

The latest news from the Biofertiliser industry

Steering Group for Revision of the PAS110 meets for the first time

Posted: 13 May, 2013. Written by David Collins

PAS110 Revision
The first meeting of the Steering Group (SG) for the revision of PAS 110 took place on Monday 13th at BSI. A wide range of issues were discussed including the RBP (stability) test, PTEs (heavy metal limits) and Pasteurisation (of non ABP inputs). Both REA and BCS were represented.

WRAP will issue a consolidated list of Actions shortly and it is planned that there will also be a full workshop on the RBP test, which will include a wide range of organisations and which will be open to the consideration of alternative tests.

The process will also include a full public consultation on any recommendations for changing the PAS110 and we encourage industry to take up the opportunity to suggest improvements whilst retaining the confidence of those using or specifying quality digestate.

We will keep you informed of developments every step of the way.

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