News from the Biofertiliser Certification Scheme

The latest news from the Biofertiliser industry

WRAP Consultation on PAS110 Review

Posted: 23 August, 2013. Written by David Collins

BSI PAS 110:2010 is currently being reviewed - WRAP has released a consultation paper on the options for changing a number of areas of PAS110:2010.  details on this link.

Some of the key issues discussed within the review are:

  • Limit levels for potentially toxic elements (PTEs)
  • Limit levels for physical contaminants
  • The Residual Biogas Potential (RBP) test and its associated limit levels

WRAP intends to start the formal 6-week consultation on the redraft of PAS 110 before the end of the year.    As a result, time available for obtaining any evidence that may be needed in support of any industry request for change to the test methods and/or limits is very limited. In view of such a limited timescale, the AD industry and the trade associations need to be pro-active and collate as soon as possible all of the most up to date data on RBP, PTEs, physical contaminants, and any other relevant parameter that may be required. This may help the PAS 110 Steering Group to consider a statistical approach to devising a rolling average system in place of the current onerous ‘3-in-a-row’ approach used in PAS 110.

We are currently requesting the most up to date RBP, PTEs, physical contaminants, and any other relevant parameter test results from NRM laboratories. Obtaining the data from NRM is the most time-efficient way to collect it.

 REA is working with other Trade Associations to obtain industry’s feedback on the aspects of PAS 110 that are being reviewed. 

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