News from the Biofertiliser Certification Scheme

The latest news from the Biofertiliser industry

Operators Forum Meeting - Birmingham - 9 November

Posted: 1 November, 2016. Written by BCS

The next meeting of the BCS Operators Forum will be held at the offices of Shakespare Martineau in Birmginham on Wednesday 9 November. The meeting is scheuled to start at midday and finsih at 3pm with a break for lunch wich will be provided.

It is vital that anybody that wishes to attend confirms their attendance with Ciaran Burns using the contact details below.

Where: Shakespeare Martineau, No 1 Colmore Square, Birmingham, B4 6AA

When: Midday, Wednesday 9 November 2016

Contact: Ciaran Burns,, 0207 981 0853